Kennedy Brothers Property Maintenance

Residential / Commercial Cleaning

The fragrance for your house or facility/office space.

Discount 50%

Discount 50%

Cooperate Cleaning

Maintain and clean and hygienic working environment with Kennedy Brothers! Request a Quote Today.

Discount 50%

Discount 50%

Residential Cleaning

Let the house be a safe haven for all family members. Get Kennedy Brothers to tidy up your residence and leave you with the fragrance you dream of at home.

Discount 50%

Discount 50%

Facility Cleaning

At Kennedy Brother’s we offer a number of Fall clean up services to enhance the look you imagine and prepare your space for productivity.

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Our customer service ready to assist you

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+1 (780) 860-9869 +1 (825) 343-4084



255 ALBANY DRIVE, Edmonton, AB T6V 0L3

Social Media

Social Handles: @kenbroproperties

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Our customer service ready to assist you